Author Archives: Sparrow

Live Earth Wallpaper on Linux

Hey all! Sorry for the long time, but I’ve been busy with college, and finals. It’s time for a different post! This time, we’ll be setting our wallpaper as a self-updating (with cron table) “live” Earth picture, just like bellow:

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New hardware to play with: TI Stellaris LaunchPad

Hey there, Just popping in to share what arrived via DHL this last Thursday: After a while installing all the software and drivers on Windows (haven’t tested Linux yet, but it is officially supported) and testing the most basic functions … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, Stellaris LaunchPad | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

ATMega328p and 7 Segment Display II: Source Code

Here we go for that awesome display circuit!

Posted in AVR, Circuits, display | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

ATMega328p and 7 Segment Display I: Parts and schematic

Hello! For our next project, we’ll be using an ATMega328p and two 7 segment displays to implement a decimal counter. This can be useful if we want to implement a project that gives visual feedback to the user, like a … Continue reading

Posted in AVR, display, Electronics, Tutorial | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Dota 2 Give Away

Hello all. I know it’s been quite a while since I posted something. I’m getting loads of work in college, but I’m about to finish another tutorial circuit (LM335, ATMega328p and 2 7 Segment displays) and post it here. In … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, Games | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments